Our Therapeutic Approaches
All of interventions are trauma-informed and can include body based approaches. They are often combined to create a tailored approach for each individual.

Compassion Focussed therapy (CFT)
CFT is a way of understanding human beings rather than problems, so be can applied to most difficulties. It is particularly relevant when distress involves self-criticism, feelings of shame or low self-worth. It gives you more understanding about how your mind and body are trying to manage your emotions, our attempts to cope, and consider any patterns of coping that may actually be less helpful up. It will help you tone down your 'threat system', keep your 'drive system' in check, and nurture a more compassionate 'soothing system' to manage life. More information can be found at www.compassionatemind.co.uk .

This approach enables people to recover from emotional distress that is often the result of distressing or traumatic life experiences. It works by helping us to reprocess the strong emotions and memories that have become 'frozen in time' and re-experienced as if an event is still happening. This means that we are more able to resolve the difficult experiences without 'reliving' them every time (e.g., being reminded about something without such strong emotional response). Although this was developed for issues with post-traumatic stress, it is now used more widely to help with anxiety, low mood, phobias, low self-esteem and relationship difficulties. We would often use EMDR as part of a broader therapy. More information on EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing) can be found at www.emdrassociation.org.uk .

CAT-informed consultation (Cognitive Analytic therapy)
If you find yourself struggling in your relationships with other people and/or yourself, it can be helpful to notice the different states of mind you get into and map out your patterns of coping. After our assessment sessions, it may be helpful to have a further 6-8 sessions mapping out these patterns and developing 'Exits' from them - different ways of coping, approaching decisions & talking to ourselves. This often helps people make sense of their difficulties, notice what strengths and resources they may already have, and make decisions about their future (which may or may not involve further focused therapy). More information about CAT and CAT-informed approaches can be found at www.acat.me.uk .

Dialectical Behavioural Therapy Skills
Therapy often helps us find a balance between accepting what we cant change and learning ways to change what doesn't help us anymore. We may also focus on developing coping skills if you find that your emotions and/or relationships feel quite unstable. DBT skills focus on helping you tolerate distress, regulate your emotions, interact well in relationships and become more mindful so that you feel more of a sense of control and influence over your experiences.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
CBT can also be helpful for a broad range of difficulties - especially anxiety and depression. It is based on the concept that your negative thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions can trap you in a vicious cycle, and by breaking this give opportunity for change. CBT focuses on your current problems, rather than focusing on issues from your past and looks for practical ways to improve your state of mind on a daily basis. So we may consider using CBT if you are able to focus on your thoughts and feelings, whilst developing helpful strategies to change unhelpful thinking patterns and coping behaviours www.getselfhelp.co.uk .