"Yoga increases body awareness, relieves stress, reduces muscle tension, strain, and inflammation, sharpens attention and concentration, and calms and centres the nervous system. Yoga's positive benefits on mental health have made it an important practice tool of psychotherapy." (APA, 2013)

You may have already experienced a yoga class and want to have a more tailored therapy experience, or perhaps you're curious to understand more about the benefits of this type of body work? At Beyond Barriers, we recognise Yoga Therapy's value in mental health care and are proud to have this approach within our therapeutic services.
What is Yoga Therapy?
Yoga therapy involves bespoke yoga practices to meet the individual needs of anyone experiencing health challenges on a physical, energetic, or emotional level.
It has significant benefits in alleviating stress, anxiety, low mood, burnout, post-traumatic stress and complex trauma difficulties, as well as physical injuries and pain; more systemic issues like IBS, high blood pressure, chronic fatigue; and inflammation.
Our Yoga Therapists are aware of the need for a sensitive and trusted approach when asking people to try bodywork for their mental health needs and are skilled at adapting their approach to meet your needs.
We offer yoga therapy individually and in groups, as a standalone approach, or part of a package of care combining a number of therapies to suit your needs.
Find out more about Yoga Therapy with our experienced Yoga Therapist Eirian Collinge here